28 5 月 This procedure consistently gave similar results (n > 30)
Label-free imaging of mobilio dynamin oligomers
Raw mass photometry images of dynamin on an SLB exhibited an optical sostrato caused by the roughness of the microscope coverslip (Fig. 1a; raw images). By implementing per sliding median retroterra subtraction 33 , we obtained a nearly shot noise-limited imaging retroterra, revealing diffraction-limited features arising from individual WT complexes diffusing on the SLB (Extended Scadenza Fig. 1 and Supplementary Videoclip 1). The sliding median preparazione subtraction involves estimating the static imaging preparazione from the temporal median of a series of frames around each frame of interest (see Methods). Importantly, this approach avoids the convolution of scattering contrast and particle motion inherent durante the retroterra subtraction used in canone mass photometry, and reduces the imaging preparazione at equivalent imaging speeds coppia puro the larger number of frames contributing to the sostrato image (Extended Data Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1).